Month: February 2020
Word of the Day: Malarkey
Today’s word of the day, thanks to Julia McCoy’s article, “34 of the Craziest Words in English” (, is malarkey. She says, “This refers to words that are insincere and […]
Word of the Day: Snollygoster
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of Julia McCoy’s “34 of the Craziest Words in English” article on the ExpressWriters website (May 20, 2014), is snollygoster. “Snolly what?” you ask. […]
Word of the Day: Widdershins
Today’s word of the day, thanks to Julia McCoy of ExpressWriters, is widdershins, an adverb meaning “in a direction contrary to the natural one, especially contrary to the apparent course […]
Word of the Day: Infantilize
Today’s word of the day, thanks to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary website, is infantilize, a verb which means “to make or keep infantile,” or “to treat as if infantile.” According to […]
A Conversation about Poetry and Place with Dr. Chad Chisholm
In this conversation, Dr. Chisholm talks about how prose and poetry differ, his relationship to South Carolina and how it informs his poetry, and the metaphysical and spiritual truth he’s discovered about place.
Word of the Day: Philippic
Today’s word of the day, thanks to the website, is philippic, a noun or adjective meaning “any speech or discourse of bitter denunciation.” The website goes on the explain, […]
Book Talk: By The Red Glare
I review Mark Sibley-Jones’s debut novel, By The Red Glare, which recounts Sherman’s attack on Columbia, SC.
Word of the Day: Recidivate
Carrying a heavy bat to make up for his modest 5’11”, 175-pound frame, Baker began showing more pop for the Athletics in 1911. It resulted with his leading the AL with 11 home runs—the most hit by any player in the junior circuit over the previous five years.
Word of the Day: Potentate
Today’s word of the day, thanks to, is potentate, which the website defines as “One who has the power and position to rule over others: A monarch or ruler.” […]
Word of the Day: Palindrome
Today’s word of the day is palindrome. It’s a noun that refers to “a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward, as ‘Madam, I’m Adam’ […]