Author: Paul Schleifer
Word of the Day: Incipient
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of Merriam-Webster, is incipient. It is an adjective meaning “beginning to exist or appear; in an initial stage” ( I chose it because it […]
Word of the Day: Felicific
Today’s Word of the Day, thanks to, is felicific, an adjective that means “causing or tending to cause happiness” ( The website adds the following information about the word: […]
Word of the Day: Confetti
December 30 Confetti Today’s Word of the Day, thanks to the Dictionary Project, is confetti, a noun which means “small pieces of colorful paper thrown or dropped from overhead during […]
Word of the Day: Genial
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of Merriam-Webster, is genial. This adjective means “warmly and pleasantly cheerful; cordial,” or “favorable for life, growth, or comfort; pleasantly warm; comfortably mild.” According […]
Word of the Day: Umbrage
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of the Word Guru email I get every day, is umbrage /ˈʌm brɪdʒ/, a noun which means offense; annoyance; displeasure; OR the slightest indication […]
Word of the Day: Tedium
Today’s word of the day, thanks to the WordGuru website, is tedium. According to WordGuru, the noun means “the state of being tedious; boredom; monotony.” According to, the word […]
Word of the Day: Convalesce
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of Merriam-Webster, is convalesce. To convalesce means “to recover health and strength gradually after sickness, injury, or weakness.” I don’t think we hear that […]
Word of the Day: Quandary
Today’s word of the day, thanks to the Word of the Day app from ADS Services, is quandary, a noun meaning “a tough decision or dilemma.” It is pronounced /’kwand(ɘ)ri/, […]
Word of the Day: Gumption
Today’s word of the day, thanks to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is gumption. says that gumption is an informal noun (that is like saying it is a slang word) that […]
Word of the Day: Inconnu
Today’s word of the day is inconnu, courtesy of The noun means “a person who is unknown; stranger.” Oddly, it also means, “a game fish, Stenodus leucichthys, of fresh […]
Word of the Day: Go
Today’s word of the day, thanks to the Old English Wordhord, is go. Well, actually, the word on Wordhord today is gangan. According to the website, gangan means “to go, […]
Word of the Day: Narcissist
Today’s word of the day, thanks to The Dictionary Project, is narcissist. According to The Dictionary Project, the noun means “a person who is overly conceited and self-centered or who […]