Author: Paul Schleifer
Word of the Day: Incessant
Today’s word of the day comes courtesy of, and it is the adjective incessant. According to WordThink, incessant means “Continuing without pause or interruption.” adds “ceaseless; unending.” This […]
Word of the Day: Weal
Today’s word of the day, from the Mirriam-Webster dictionary website, is weal. By itself, it is pretty much an obsolete word, but we might have heard it in the expression […]
Word of the Day: Malapropism
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of WordGenius, is malapropism. The website defines it as “The practice of unintentionally using the wrong word or phrase, usually to humorous effect.” […]
Word of the Day: Uxorious
Today’s word of the day, according to, is uxorious. The word is an adjective which means “Excessively affectionate toward one’s wife.” Another definition is “doting upon, foolishly fond of, […]
Word of the Day: Superannuated
Today’s word of the day comes courtesy of Word Genius, and it is the adjective superannuated (actually, it was their word of the day yesterday, but I was not feeling […]
Word of the Day: Exemplum
Today’s word of the day, thanks to’s “A.Word.A.Day,” is exemplum, a noun that means 1. “An example or model” or 2. “An anecdote used to illustrate a moral truth […]
Word of the Day: Inveterate
Today’s word of the day comes to us via, a website dedicated to providing free test preparation for students planning to take the ACT or GRE. The word is […]
Word of the Day: Svengali
Today’s word of the day, thanks to Word Genius, is Svengali. It’s a noun meaning “A manipulative person with sinister motives” or “Someone attempting to dominate another to do their […]
Word of the Day: Equivocal
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of, is equivocal, an adjective that means “Open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous. Uncertain or questionable in nature.” provides three definitions: […]
Word of the Day: Saturnine
Today’s word of the day, thanks to, is saturnine. It’s an adjective that means “sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn,” “suffering from lead poisoning, as a person,” or “due to […]
Word of the Day: Psychohistory
Today’s word of the day, thanks to the Oxford English Dictionary, is psychohistory. Psychohistory is a noun that means “history or the writing of history employing the techniques of psychoanalysis […]
Word of the Day: Vainglory
The first word of the day for the new year is vainglory, which defines as “excessive elation or pride over one’s own achievements, abilities, etc.; boastful vanity” and “empty […]