Author: Paul Schleifer
Word of the Day: Lugubrious
Today’s word of the day is lugubrious, an adjective meaning 1. “sad or gloomy” or 2. “exaggeratedly mournful,” according to Word Genius ( defines it as “mournful, dismal, or […]
Word of the Day: Aphorism
The word of the day for today is aphorism, a noun which means “a terse saying embodying a general truth, or astute observation” ( It’s interesting to me that the […]
Word of the Day: Virulent
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of WordThink, is virulent, an adjective which means, according to the website, “Extremely severe or harmful in its effects. Bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful” […]
Word of the Day: Ephemeral
The word of the day for today is ephemeral. Ephemeral, according to, can be used as an adjective or as a noun. As an adjective, it can mean 1. […]
Word of the Day: Luminary
Today’s word of the day is luminary. Luminary can be either a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it actually has three meanings: 1. “a celestial body, as the […]
Word of the Day: Panacea
Thanks to for today’s word of the day, panacea. The website gives two definitions for panacea: 1. “A mythical remedy for all illness and disease,” and 2. “A solution […]
Word of the Day: Surreal
The word of the day is courtesy of surreal. Surreal is an adjective that means “Having the disorienting quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic” ( According to, it […]
Word of the Day: Halcyon
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of the Oxford English Dictionary, is halcyon. If you have ever heard this word in conversation or seen this word in print, you probably […]
Word of the Day: Censor
Today’s word of the day is censor. It is one of those English words that can be used as a noun or as a verb. As a noun, it refers […]
Word of the Day: Cyberpunk
Today’s word of the day, courtesy of the Oxford English Dictionary, is cyberpunk. According to the OED, cyberpunk is a “subgenre of science fiction typified by a bleak, high-tech setting […]
Word of the Day: Hubris
Today’s word of the day is hubris (/ ˈhyu brɪs, ˈhu- /–the ˈhu- indicates an acceptable alternative pronunciation; it is not uncommon in English for a word to have more than […]
Word of the Day: Homily
Today’s word of the day comes from the Wordsmith website, The word is homily. It’s pronounced / ˈhɒm ə li /. Notice that the first syllable is stressed, the second syllable […]