Author: Paul Schleifer
Word of the Day: Apollyon
Today’s word of the day comes from Apollyon. Most of us would recognize Apollyon as a name, one that is found in the Book of the Revelation of John, […]
Word of the Day: Elucidate
The word of the day for today is elucidate. It’s a verb meaning “to make (something) clear; to explain.” The pronunciation is / ɪˈlu sɪˌdeɪt /, with the emphasis on […]
Word of the Day: Oxymoron
The Mirriam-Webster word of the day for today is oxymoron. The dictionary defines it as “a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness); broadly : something (such as a concept) that is made […]
Word of the Day: Redoubtable
Today’s word of the day comes from, and it redoubtable. Redoubtable is an adjective meaning “that is to be feared; formidable,” or “commanding or evoking respect, reverence, or the […]
Word of the Day: Acquiesce
The Mirriam-Webster word of the day for today is the verb acquiesce. According to the dictionary’s website, it means “to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or privately—often used with in […]
Word of the Day: Maverick
Today’s word of the day comes from the website, and it’s maverick. According to the website, maverick can mean an “unbranded ranch animal” or “a person who takes an […]
Word of the Day: Endogenous
Today’s word of the day comes from endogenous. According to Anchor,” Endogenous is an adjective that means originating from within. The Greek prefix E-N-D-O means ‘from within.’ And Genous […]
Word of the Day: Existential
The word of the day for today is existential / ˌɛg zɪˈstɛn ʃəl, ˌɛk sɪ- /. The little mark before stɛn indicates that that syllable has the primary stress, and the little […]
Word of the Day: Burke
Burke: Word of the Day The word of the day for today is burke (bɜrk—just like bird, except for the last consonant sound). It’s a verb, so we should […]
Word of the Day: Vicissitudes
The word of the day for today is vicissitude [/ vɪˈsɪs ɪˌtud, -ˌtyud /: the /ɪ/ in the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is what we learned to call the “short […]
Word of the Day: Deontology
So, a big, fancy philosophy word for today’s Word of the Day, this time coming from Word Genius. The website gives two definitions for deontology: “1. A theory of ethics […]
Word of the Day: Comestible
The Mirriam-Webster Word of the Day for today is, somewhat appropriately, comestible. It can be either a noun or an adjective. As an adjective, comestible means “edible” or “eatable.” As […]